Saturday, 23 April 2011

Easter Saturday

John sent an email round today speaking of the significance of the day between GoodFriday and Easter Sunday. The day when there is a void- the void between death and (re)birth. In buddism, there is an intermediate state between death and rebirth that is known as 'bardo'. In this state, it is said that our experience is like being in a dream-state as our consciousness leaves our bodily/ gross form. In some buddhist circles, the period between dreaming and being awake is occupied by a void- where we do not dream- there is merely a gap. It is not uncommon for this brief period to be regarded as 'death'.

I am writing this on the eve of returning to Poland- an in-between time when all that I can do in the UK has been done.

I wrote this to John a few days ago:

" I write this note to you now, I think that each death provides a space for something else- it is always pregnant with potential. Though oftentimes we wonder what that 'something else' is, what we realise, on reflection, is that where there was something and now there is space, that in itself is already 'something else'".