Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Follow-through and Breakthrough

The word 'breakthrough' is used with some frequency in the business world. In the past, I had some issues with the differences between change and breakthrough. In the context of New Year and New Year Resolutions, I was wondering about wishes I had/ have for myself, for my work, for friends, for colleagues and for clients...nothing came to me. I felt quite flat- lacking in any excitement for the year ahead. I could have lied to myself and just labelled my state of being as being 'peaceful' or 'open' or something like that. But the reality was/ is that I have a pervading sense of flatness. During this time, I made a BIG investment in a new laptop and in the course of tranferring all my folders and files across from the old machine to the new one, I came across many photos, paintings and drawings I made in the last few years- I was in a particularly fertile creative groove a couple of years ago and spent many hours taking photos, drawing and painting. As I looked through them, I was struck by how much I had produced and how lovely some of them were/ are. I could also see that something nascent- glimmers of emergent themes and images nestled in the mishmash of 'stuff'. I was also aware of how differently I felt about them as I looked at them in January 2013 compared with December 2011- I did not see then what I saw a week ago. Then I wondered why I stopped- I was busy- yes...but I think the real reason for stopping was a lack of inspiration and a feeling of not getting anywhere- that I was stuck in a pattern- I could not breakthrough to make better art because I was busy, I did not have the skill, I lacked techniques etc etc. The truth was, I felt stuck, dried up and a bit lost. A few days ago, we made a final project review/ presentation to a client company and we commented to say that the client system had a pattern of 'lack of follow-through'. In my discussion with John afterwards, I described the importance of follow-through in many sport. I remembered the hours of tennis coaching I had and how it was stressed to me that power came NOT from hitting the ball hard but on the follow-through of my swing. Connecting all these thoughts, I started to wonder about the relationship between follow-through and breakthrough. My dear dear friend, Janet, who runs a very successful business said to me on New Year's Eve- that just when they thought they could not carry on any further, they found the strength to just carry on a little bit more and that was when things started to happen and their business broke through to a new level. Maybe my school teachers were right- maybe 'sticking at things' is the rite of passage for true potential to be realised.

Emerging themes for 2013:  Perseverence, follow-through, momentum, building, realisation.

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