Wednesday 27 July 2011

Loss of Life

I was speaking to an old friend today and it came up in conversation, the phrase 'loss of life'. It is interesting to me how we normally use the phrase 'loss of life' when there's been a death. In my work, in coaching, in therapy, in consulting, it is quite often about breathing life back into life. A midlife crisis is often triggered by a realisation that someone has lived a partial life- that there has indeed been a loss of life- that a vital part of someone's being has been dormant and/ or, for whatever reason, has been 'switched off' to make way for economical survival or prosperity. In mid-life, we realise the cost of this on our soul but by that time, it is a bit difficult. We are entrapped in half-life we have created for and around ourselves. The price at this point is huge so, for many, there is a 'settling' and a surrendering to the inevitability of unfufilled potential. It is not my choice.

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